The purpose of the project Kalliergea is the economically affordable predisposition of technological specialized
tools for the promotion of productors of articles and providers of services operating in Greece and for the visitors that may
be interested in their offers.
The development of the project Kalliergea has started at 2009, economically indipendent, availed by 23 years
of professional experience in informatics and with a lot of yearning, exploiting tools of free usage and
investing free time in what then could seem an utopia. I wish it
may be useful to you and that it may contribute to the devolution of the troubles on which we have been lead by the paranoic
subventioned plans of the legalized avidity of those who abused the power.
Feel free to report to us your requirements contributing to the improvement of the functionalities of the project
at your service.
Since 2010 the basic functionalities of the project Kalliergea is offered free of commercial intermediation
to the productors of articles and providers of services operating in Greece.
Thanks for partecipation,
Laura Casagrande - Administrator and owner of the project Kalliergea